Handjob and Armpits


In recent months quite a number of China prostitutes at the Geylang brothels have gone back while new ones to replace them have been slow. Apparently not many prostitutes stay for two years. 

One of my regulars in a brothel has also gone back. 

There were a few new arrivals at the brothel. So I tried one of the new ones.I like her face.

In the bedroom she turned out to be quite experienced. She said she was from Shenzhen. I like experienced women who know how to play men. I like the way she aroused my body and cock. And her hanjob skills were good too, though not as good as the handjob queen. As she used her fingers to play with my cock - twirling, stroking, clawing, caressing – she would look at my face for my response. She looked delighted having made my cock so hard and made me so aroused. I almost wanted to cum in her hands. I told her I would enter her vagina first and before I cum I would let her masturbated me until I cum.

I like her armpits too. There were strands of hair, not many, just the right amount to make the armpits erotic. I was seduced by them and kissed and sniffed her armpits. I also kissed her nipples, breasts, arms and legs. Meanwhile her hand was still playing with my cock.

So I let her masturbate me ... She was muttering how hard my cock was and asked whether I enjoyed it. I got more and more aroused looking at this foxy woman's face. Arhhhhhhh...! Women!!! I ejaculated and ejaculated. 

I told her not to stop but to continue stroking my shaft. It was a comfortable itching feeling. Then I pulled her body down and started to kiss and play with her body again. My cock was semi-hard, wet with cum and itching. 

However, I had no intention of doing a second time. I prefer to let the itching sensation linger than to fuck her and cum again which would make my cock tired and strained.


I have come to appreciate woman's armpits more. Smooth hairless armpits are less erotic. Erotic armpits are those with creases and some hair. The armpit is one place where the smell of woman is strongest.

Smooth and hairless ... If there are some hair or dark creases, it would be more erotic.

With erotic hair ...

With dark creases ...

With stubble ...

Armpit fetish ...